Monday, November 25, 2013


Day 13.

Cannot believe it has been 13 days.  You wouldn't think time would fly so fast being in one place for so long, but it does.  Even when you are doing nothing in that place.  Oh well, I will continue my focus in fighting this and keeping my thoughts & prayers strong (and trust me it gets tough to do).  BTW, I want to thank you all for your positivity, prayers, vibes, words and visits.  I really do feel it all coming in.

I wasn't sure how I wanted to start this blog, but I guess like that previous paragraph (heh).  I wanted to type it up yesterday, but after a great visit from my wife, Lindy and A.J., my body and my emotions, I guess, were overwhelmed (no fault on them). I ended falling out at around 9pm, earliest ever, and I feel better now.    

For those of you who have not seen this tattoo, it is in dedication and memory of a good friend who lost her battle to Esophageal Cancer I believe 5 or so years ago.  She was 42.  I had only known her a few years, but she was one of those people that when you met her, you didn't have to know one more thing about her (or at least I didn't) because now she was your friend. You loved her or you hated her.  This lady carried such a strong attitude (great attitude), very similar to my wife and some of the other ladies in my life.  These are women when they say "I got you", they do!  I think I named her my big sister.  Like my two bilological sisters, she was my cheerleader.  She noticed things that I do and would wonder out loud to me why have I not incorporated my talents into a business or something.  I'm sure she would be fussing at me even now.  In fact I think I feel her eyes beaming down on me as I am typing.  She was really amazing.  

When she was battling the cancer, I didn't have to, but I saw her fairly often.  I even asked Jen if it was cool if I went to see her without her.  I know it sounded silly, but that is how I am.  It was great to see her.  She was in good spirits, we had a great time, talking, playing games and looking at LOLCATS (my first time introduced to that).  Being a person who also likes to observe and learn I tried to take in all that she was going through without bombarding her with questions, and of course it was a lot.  Now I know, I only knew maybe 20% of what she was going through.

Before she died, Jenny and Heather researched and got tattoos in honor of her spirit in life.  At her memorial service, Cynthia and I decided to follow suit and get them too. The ladies all got theirs on their right instep and me on my shoulder. In kanji symbol it means "Tenacity".  That was Lisa Jue Bishop.  She never new the definition of backing down, giving up, or stopping. For herself or anything or anyone she loved.  And I feel that even though she lost to this demon, she was giving off some more good shots and cussing it out as she fell.  

I now hold this as my crest, my shield.  In honor of LJB and off of those (friends and family) who faught this fight.  I will win this.  I have too many survivors around me and one amazing guardian angel.

Until next time.........

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