Jenny here.
I woke up, no fever for over a 36 hours, ready to see Wil in his new digs at rehab. I hadn't been able to reach him, but sometimes he is so in and out I don't think anything of it. I make the hour drive, get there, it's lunch time. He's not in his room so I start sorting out a few things. 15 minutes later I decide to see where he is at and surprise him.
Much to my surprise he is not there. And they had tried to call me but had called his cell. So I had no idea. Per staff, he was very agitated this morning, pushed a staff person against the wall, tried to run away (mind you he is still a fall risk so this scares me to death!), and then eventually threw a glass and it shattered. No one was harmed. But he's such a big guy ( even after losing 70lbs since Halloween), that there are no second chances. Off to UTSW ER he went to be evaluated.
They are running tests but a likely cause is that, although he has been catheterized again, he was holding urine and literally needed to be drained (which could result in behavioral changes much like a UTI can cause). He thinks there is a conspiracy at the rehab facility and was less then amused when I asked him questions about this morning and was irritated that my face didn't look like I "believed him." Rehab won't take him back without another eval and meeting of the minds with his oncologist. So for tonight we are back at St Paul on a regular floor. However, as luck would have it, with a tech he had up on BMT.
He looks better. He is more oriented. But his mood and agitation continue to be unpredictable. Mostly he is just angry all the time. I tried to joke with him and he said "I'm ag-i-TATED! What is wrong with people!" Oh Willy, you owe me so many beautiful smiles when this is over. I miss them.
So tonight, not so much unlike the last 4 nights of being sick, I will be sleeping on the couch. This time at home sweet UTSW. We will see what tomorrow brings and what they decide to do with my grizzly bear.
This little blog is about the places we never knew love could take us. It's the story of us: an ordinary, movie loving, theme party hosting, cruise vacation taking, do good, mind our own business type of couple...until cancer. Jenny, a social worker turned caregiver, and Wil, an aspiring math educator...until a diagnosis of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. We’re honored you crossed our path to support us as we Fight The Big Fight. Much Love, Jenny and Wil
Jenny hang in there. Sending up prayer for you all tonight. My family and I will not neglect to do our part. Although I rather be there with you all, into then I will remain on my knees. Love you two.