Thursday, December 19, 2013

Just a quick update

Jenny here.

After a tough weekend and first part of the week, I came down with the crud that has been going around. Which has meant being home since Tuesday night. Unable to see Wil, who was not quite that sure why I couldn't see him.  He would just keep saying he needed me there. Wednesday afternoon I got the call, while I was in the midst of my fever, that they were discharging him and I needed to come collect his things. Thankfully his sister was able to to go and pack up everything and take it with her. Something with room availability didn't work out so Wil was actually just transferred this afternoon to his rehab.

I had dreams of being there every step. I know it caused more stress for him. But there was just no way.

So, from what he has texted and his sister has confirmed, the room is great, the staff is great. It's a wonderful place. The Hilton of rehabs. Tonight he is resting well, still tough to understand his speech on the phone, but he texted answers to my questions that made sense!

Next follow ups with UTSW are next week. He will have transportation provided by the facility. The docs have already said several weeks to several months for the liver to recover. Hoping the cancer counts stay low until then because no chemo until that liver is OK.

If anyone needs contact details, hit me up on FB. I think he also accidentally posted a few pics of his room. I had asked him to send me a couple and then we couldn't figure out where they went :)

One step closer to home.  He's enjoying that idea.

1 comment:

  1. U guys stay strong and Jenny I know how u want to be there physically every step of the way but as a caregiver myself that's impossible try not to feel too guilty and remember u must take care of yourself so u can take care of him... You guys are in my prayers. ..
