Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"Mosul skkojsnamamsnskkskaa Nannakjwmmeksiwmw A I hate steroids"

Jenny here. I will be more excited than anything when Wil feels up to blogging!  At this point he hasn't been able to read them and I hope I'm doing it justice. It's nice to give out info in one place.

"Mosul skkojsnamamsnskkskaa Nannakjwmmeksiwmw A I hate steroids."  This is the text I got this morning from Wil on my way to the hospital. The poor guy shakes almost continuously when he's awake so holding the phone or texting is tough. He says it's painful ,sometimes, but mostly just very irritating. He's on edge. The nurse said this is one of the more severe cases she has seen of this side effect. He keeps pleading to have them stop the steroids. 5 more days of them.  I think more than anything it's the shaking that keeps him on fall risk. He said he feels crazy. He keeps telling his legs to stop shaking "settle down Wil, settle down." Over and over. For hours. 

He ate all his breakfast and managed to suffer through what I was calling "spa day."  It's hard for him to tolerate touch but his skin needed lotion like nobody's business...as evidenced by the entire tub we used!  His blood pressure is always lower when I'm here from what they tell me. It's sweet knowing he feels calm when I'm here. Torture hearing him beg for me to stay and say he hopes that all my clients cancel. But with his current issues I am relieved he is here and not home yet. In time sweet hubby, in time. 

Today's updates:  Sodium levels are up but he is not allowed to have water, just Gatorade, to keep it up. Liver numbers were worse today but they are still hopeful. Just to be on the safe side we met with a liver specialist and he will have an ultrasound later today. Most likely his liver had injury due to the chemo and the function is probably fine, it's just taking longer to heal, but the ultrasound will verify that theory.   The rehab floor team came by early, before I got here. They are going to come back and reassess, still looking at transferring him but no word yet. He hasn't been able to walk the down hall today due to weakness and shaking so I'm hoping he can get some rehab before any discharge. 

Wil has decided he wants a trip to Hawaii when this is all over. Everyone is invited. I tried to get him to discuss details to get his mind off the shaking.  But he looks at me and says "I know what you're doing."  I respond "helping plan a vacation?"  You just can't pull one over on this guy. It was worth a shot. But I promised I would tell everyone to start saving their money. Wil wants a celebration luau...so mark your calendars for Spring 2017 y'all :)


  1. did i call it or did i call it? VACAY!!! Oh, and what a celebration it will be :)
