Sunday, December 8, 2013

Month One--Complete!

One month ago today we were told Wil had ALL.  Whew!

Today during rounds, which I had to miss due to icy roads, they told Wil that although his liver has not gotten worse, it has not gotten better enough for chemo to restart this week. Because of that they have decided to send him home to recover. Discharge planning has hospital and at home.  I have a list of prep to do but I just found out Friday that my FMLA for my part time weekend job was approved (3rd times the charm) so I'm off today to get his room and bathroom ready (which will be pet free...thankfully we had just bought a new mattress for  the guest room on Labor Day!).

Technically, although we thought yesterday he was considered in remission, after the full report came back he actually has .04 detectable leukemia cells.  But, he was only half way through the induction round. Had he been able to finish that probably would have been 0.  I will know more tomorrow because my info today is being relayed through a still weak Wil, but it looks like we might skip right to consolidation therapy (the stages of chemo treatment go from induction, to consolidation, to maintenance).   He will need another bone marrow biopsy later to check for complete remission (CR) again.

Tomorrow morning we will meet with the OT, PT, doctor, social worker, and probably the nurse coordinator.   We will have a better plan for home health needs at that point. Once his liver is better chemo will resume. We still aren't certain if it will be inpatient or outpatient but it looks like we are leaning towards outpatient!  Cross your fingers.   He will be home by Tuesday.  Marking one month in captivity. :)

Wil said he is already packing up his clothes and tree.  He is looking forward to homemade soup and mashed potatoes. He is one excited guy. While the liver issue and early d/c are unexpected it means he should be home for the holidays. And for that we celebrate!

I will keep folks posted on visiting after I get educated more :)